There are certain steps of a relationship that are quite big and life-changing. Proposing to someone you love is one of them. The actual wedding day and getting married is another huge step. Finding out you and your spouse are going to have a baby is just as big.

Imagine being married for just 3 months when you find out that you’re pregnant. You and your spouse go to see the doctor excited to hear the heartbeat and see the ultrasound; however, the doctor has a big surprise for you. You’re not going to have just one baby. You’re going to have four babies.

This is exactly what happened to Bethani Webb. When she found out she was pregnant, she and her husband, Tim Webb, were excited, but they never expected to have multiples. Multiples do not run in their family.

Back in 2016, before the quadruplets were born, Bethani spoke to CBC News explaining what it was like when she found out she was going to have four babies. Watch the video below to hear what she had to say.

The Webb quadruplets were conceived naturally. The parents did not use IVF. Having quadruplets is very rare. There’s only a one is 729,000 chance of conceiving quadruplets naturally, but the Webb quadruplets are even more rare because they are all identical. The chance of having identical quadruplets is 1 in 15 million!

At 33 weeks pregnant, Bethani delivered her identical quadruplets via c-section. The parents named their four identical daughters Abigail, McKayla, Grace and Emily. All babies were healthy, but since they were premature, they stayed in the hospital until they were one month old.

Bethani spoke to TODAY before bringing the babies home. She explained one of the drawbacks of having four identical daughters. She said, “At this point, I’m not able to tell them apart. We’re going to paint their toenails and assign them each a color.”

Bethani added, “It’s a little overwhelming knowing that I’m taking care of four little babies, but it’ll be good. Once they get home and I get into a routine, I’m sure it won’t be too bad.”

In order to take care of her family, Bethani quit her job to be a stay-at-home mom. Thankfully, their community helped them gather the essentials they would need, like carseats and diapers. They even helped them raise money to buy a minivan.

When the Webb quadruplets were getting ready to celebrate their second birthday, Bethani spoke to CBC News again about what the past two years had been like. She explained that she’s thankful to live in a small town where her daughters, who have some fame due to how rare they are, can play outside without being bothered. She said, “The community in Grande Prairie and the community in Hythe and even beyond has been so amazing.” She added, “We’re in a small community and it’s nice because the girls do get peace and quiet and they do get to run around in the yard without being bothered.”

Bethani posts picture of her daughters on a public Facebook page, and Tim uploads videos of them to YouTube. Watch the video below to get a glimpse into the blessed chaos that is the Webb family life in the video below which was taken on Christmas morning.

And here’s a glimpse at the Webb quadruplets now. They are 6 years old and in 1st grade.

How would you react if you found out you were having identical quadruplets? Does it surprise you that it’s so unusual (1 in 15 million) to have identical quadruplets?

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