In China, models are taking “strike a pose” to a whole new level—a really, really quick level.

If you’ve ever binge-watched America’s Next Top Model or have ever worked in an industry where you’ve witnessed a photo shoot, you’ve probably noticed that typically, modeling isn’t a very quick process.

When you factor in the time to complete hair and makeup, wardrobe changes, and of course, all the poses, modeling is anything but fast-paced.

But in the video below, which first appeared in a post in the Shanghai Expat Facebook page, meet an astonishing model who’s able to change up her pose even quick than you can say, “work it!” Now that’s what we call some rapid-fire modeling.

The camera shoots one frame per second and the woman manages to hit two poses per frame, or about 30 poses in just 15 seconds of shooting—without sacrificing the shots. In fact, she looks so elegant and poised doing it that we’re wondering how she’s even a real human.

This particular model in the video below works in the fashion industry, modeling for Taobao, an online Chinese retailer equivalent to America’s Amazon.

It may not sound that exciting, but see for yourself: It’s pretty incredible to watch. Fans have gone crazy over the video of the model producing her swift movements, which has racked up more than 3.2 million views and over 26,000 shares.

Though this video only surfaced recently, this unique modeling trend has been around for a few years and was first discussed in a 2014 article in China Daily.

The article states that these types of models, who typically work for high-end fashion chains, might have to wear around 150 pieces of clothing a day, and pose more than 700 times. They only get about 60 seconds to change into their next outfit, and just a 10-minute lunch break—their only meal break of the day.

It sounds like a lot of work, and it is—good thing the models earn a pretty penny for this talent. Models who can strike a pose at such a quick pace like this can earn up to $1,500 per session!

Where do we train for such a sport? (We’re not gonna lie, we totally tried doing this at our desks and we just look silly—it’s a lot harder than it looks!)

This super quick type of modeling isn’t the only seemingly strange tradition in China that people don’t necessarily do in the US. If you’ve ever lived or visited China, you’ll probably know what we’re talking about: things like wearing pajamas while wandering the streets, renting a fake boyfriend or girlfriend to bring home to your parents, or being able to purchase shark meat and African crocodiles at some Walmart locations (yes, we’re serious).

But back to the modeling: Watch the video below to see what we’re talking about. How are the cameras keeping up—or for that matter, the wardrobe department?

What do you think about this crazy cool modeling trend? We think it’s pretty awesome!

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