August 2021, during the season 9 reunion of the reality show “Shah’s of Sunset,” Mike Shouhed announced his engagement to Paulina Ben-Cohen. He proposed on the beach in Hawaii after asking Ben-Cohen’s son’s permission to marry his mom. 

The couple seemed really happy together. Ben-Cohen claimed, “The love and the connection that we have with each other like, I would not be able to live a day without him in my life. Like, honestly, I have told him before, I wouldn’t live without him.”

Apparently there’s trouble in paradise.

Fast forward to March 27, 2022, and Shouhed was arrested in Los Angeles. He was booked at 1:05am on March 28 but later released the same day on a $50,000 bond.

At the time, his attorney, Alex Kessel, claimed that Shouhed was innocent and denied claims of domestic violence. He told PEOPLE, “My own investigation reveals no acts of domestic violence was committed by my client. I have no doubt Mike will be exonerated. Please honor the presumption of innocence.”

On April 14, Ben-Cohen’s attorney released a statement explaining, “We are working with the authorities to seek a just and fair outcome to this sad situation. The family appreciates your space and respect for their privacy during this time.”

After the arrest, Shouhed, Ben-Cohen and Ben-Cohen’s children were spotted on vacation together.


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Fast forward again to July 20, and Shouhed was charged with 14 criminal charges including 8 charges of domestic violence and 6 weapons charges.

Ben-Cohen’s attorney, Joshua Ritter, admits that Ben-Cohen is the victim in this case. It is unclear if the couple is still together or not. In a statement, he explained, “Paulina’s primary focus is on keeping herself and her children safe. She supports the work that the police and the City Attorney’s Office have done, and she continues to cooperate with them while looking forward to putting this sad situation behind her and moving on with her life.”

“Shah’s of Sunset” was canceled after 9 seasons.

Shouhed’s pretrial hearing is set to take place on August 29.

Do you think Shouhed will be found guilty? Do you think Shouhed and Ben-Cohen are still together?

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