Yet Another Study Confirms That the Measles Vaccine Does Not Cause Autism

Honestly, before we had kids of our own, we didn’t think too much about vaccines. We had them as kids, and that was that. It was a requirement before attending school.

Nowadays, some people are very against vaccines. These anti-vaxxers are being blamed for recent measles outbreaks, and many people, even some of the kids of anti-vaxxers, are trying to convince them that vaccines aren’t just safe, they are also important.

It seems that no matter what people say or do, some anti-vaxxers won’t listen, but just in case they will, there’s yet one more study that shows zero link between the MMR vaccine and autism.

This new study involved 657,461 children born in Denmark between 1999 and 2010. These children were followed until August 2013. Researchers looked at how many children were diagnosed with autism and any risk factors the children had such as parental age, siblings with autism, being born premature, and low birth weight.

Of all of the children studied, more than 95% got the MMR vaccine and 6,517 ended up being diagnosed with autism. There was no link between the MMR vaccine and an autism diagnosis. The vaccine did not increase the risk of autism if they were not at risk of developing it, and it did not increase the risk of autism if the children were at risk of developing it. We’ll say it again; the MMR vaccine did not increase the risk of autism…at all.

Watch the video below for more information about this new study.


Dr. Paul Offit, director of the Vaccine Education Center at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, was not involved in the study, but he hopes that the results help reassure parents that the MMR vaccine is safe.

To date, there have been 17 studies in 7 countries that have proven that there is no link between vaccines and autism. So, why do some people think there’s a link?

For that, we have to go back to 1998 when Andrew Wakefield published a study in the journal The Lancet. This study has since been retracted by the journal. You see, Wakefield was paid by a law firm that wanted to sue the MMR vaccine manufacturers, and an investigation found that he altered and misinterpreted the research.

Yet, the myth lives on through social media. Facebook is going to take some measures to try to crack down on the misinformation, but they won’t be blocking it entirely.

Does this new study reassure you that vaccines are safe? Have you vaccinated your children?

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