At 51 years old, Matthew McConaughey has had a shining career, blessing us with his fun and engaging his hometown Texas twang in most every film his stars in. So what’s next for the bold actor?

In a recent episode of The Balanced Voice podcast, McConaughey chatted about where he might see himself next. And with the current Texas governor, Greg Abbott, being up for reelection next year, he said he’d definitely consider running.

In his words, he said running for Texas governor would be “a true consideration.”

“I’m looking into now again, what is my leadership role?” he said. “Because I do think I have some things to teach and share, and what is my role? What’s my category in my next chapter of life that I’m going into?”

This isn’t the first time he’s been asked such a question. In fact, when he appeared on The Late Show With Stephen Colbert, he stated firmly that he had “no plans to do that right now,” and explained why: “I don’t get politics. Politics seems to be a broken business. Politics needs to redefine its purpose. As I move forward in life, yes, am I going to consider leadership roles where I can be most useful? I’d love to. I’m doing that regardless. That’s where I sit right now.”

In the recent podcast episode, on top of acknowledging his possible decision to indeed run, he also mentioned that he could also see himself as a professor at the University of Texas.

So what’s stopping him from any of these big moves? “I have three epics in my life, and that’s my three children” he said. “How can I be the best dad for them — not the time to be their best friend — but he best dad to them right now, to help them get out and negotiate and be autonomous, confident, and conscientious people in the world, to get out there and navigate?”

While he figures that out, we’ll be rooting for a 2022 swearign in of Governor McConaughey of Texas!

Check out the video below for more on McConaughey’s next career move.

Do you think Matthew McConaughey will run for governor of Texas?

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