If you typically make New Year’s resolutions, they might look a little something like this: “Go to the gym three times a week, travel more, be more social,” etc.

However, 2020 really threw everyone for a loop when the COVID-19 pandemic began. And if there’s one thing we’ve learned from months of quarantining it’s this: Have fewer expectations for this year.

2021 is probably looking a bit different for us all. Here are 11 people who really lowered their standards for their New Year’s resolutions.

  1. Get Dressed

  2. Eat Out

  3. Improve on Quarantine Habits

  4. Be More Productive

  5. Call Out Improper Mask Wearers

  6. Drink More Water, Be Less Angry

  7. Remember What Happened Last Year

  8. Go to the Store

  9. Survive

  10. Have Fewer Expectations

  11. “Give Up”

Did you make a New Year’s resolution this year? Is it more casual than it usually is?

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