Imagine this: you’re up for a big award, and you actually win. You’re super excited, but when you walk on stage to accept your award, there’s someone lying on the stage, and this person won’t move out of your way. You accept the award anyway, but it might be a little awkward and possibly even be a distraction from your big moment.

This scenario actually happened at the Emmy Awards. The person who won was actress, writer and producer Quinta Brunson, and the person lying on the stage was late show host and comedian Jimmy Kimmel.

In case you didn’t watch the Emmy’s, here’s what happened. It all started as a comedy bit. Kimmel didn’t win the Emmy for his category, and the joke was that because of that fact, he drank so much he passed out. Shortly before Arnett announcing the winner for the category Best Writing in a Comedy Series, he dragged Kimmel out on stage by his feet and left him there. 

Kimmel was still lying on stage when Brunson walked on stage and around him in order to accept her award and make her acceptance speech. Many viewers turned to social media to complain that Kimmel stole Brunson’s moment, some calling it “white privilege.”

Brunson later went on Kimmel’s show, “Jimmy Kimmel Live,” and Kimmel apologized to her for the “dumb comedy bit” that may have taken away from her Emmy winning moment.

Brunson accepted Kimmel’s apology and explained that his comedy bit didn’t have a negative impact on her that night. She said she “was having a good time” and was “having so much fun.” While she appreciated the apology, in the moment, she clearly didn’t feel that the comedy bit took away from her Emmy win in any way.

Watch Kimmel apologize to Brunson in the video below.

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