Not all couples that say “I do” end up with a long and happy marriage. Sometimes marriages end in bitter divorces, and other times, couples stay married but don’t exactly feel happily married.

There are many famous couples who have stayed married for decades, and their marriages are truly an inspiration. For example, former President Jimmy Carter and his wife Rosalynn Carter recently celebrated their 75th wedding anniversary. Being happily married for 75 years is truly marriage goals.

They have truly known each other their whole loves. Watch the video below to learn more about the couple’s long and happy marriage. The way they met is beyond sweet.


The couple sat down for an interview with PBS News Hour to share some of their secrets to a successful marriage. The interview took place at their home in Plains, Georgia.

Judy Woodruff asked, “Mrs. Carter, what is the secret to this partnership?”

Mrs. Carter responded, “Well, I think we give each other space and we try to do things together. We’re always looking for things we can do together, like birding and fly-fishing and just anything we can find to do together.”

President Carter added that they are very physically active, walking on a daily basis and swimming three times every day. He also added that the restrictions due to the pandemic actually “brought us even closer together. So that’s one thing for which I’m thankful.”

President Carter added a few more secrets to their marriage success. It sounds like he takes never going to bed angry very seriously. He explained, “At the end of the day, we try to become reconciled and overcome all the differences that arose during the day. We also make up and give each other a kiss before we go to sleep still in bed. And we always read the Bible every night, which adds a different aspect to life. So, we really try to become completely reconciled each night before we go to sleep.”

Yet, not every moment of their marriage has been happy. Mrs. Carter described the experience of working with her husband to write a book as “the worst thing — I mean, it’s probably the closest thing to bringing us to a divorce that we ever did.”

But they didn’t get divorced. They got the help they needed, worked out their issues and kept their marriage strong.

Are you inspired by President and Mrs. Carter’s 75 year marriage? Are you going to try any of their marriage secrets, like doing activities together and not going to bed angry?

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