It has been a rollercoaster of a year for the game show “Jeopardy!” It all started less than a year ago when long time host Alex Trebek lost his battle with pancreatic cancer. The game show producers knew they needed to find a replacement host, and they wanted to find do it in a respectful way.

The way the show went about looking for a replacement host was a little bit unusual. Instead of simply hiring someone, the producers decided to let potential hosts audition by guest hosting the show for a couple weeks.

“Jeopardy!” contestant and Greatest of All Time winner, Ken Jennings, was the first guest host. He was followed by many other hosts including “Big Bang Theory” star Mayim Bialik, as well as Mike Richards, who was working as an executive producer of the show. Fans even started a petition to get LeVar Burton a spot as a guest host, and they succeeded.

Finally, “Jeopardy!” announced that the two new hosts would be Mike Richards and Mayim Bialik. The original plan was for Richards to keep his job as executive producer while also acting as host for “Jeopardy!” Meanwhile, Bialik would host specials and spin-offs of the show.

Then the real drama started. Fans were not at all happy with the choice of Richards as host. Many felt that Burton should’ve gotten the job instead. Others chose to point out many of Richards’ past mistakes.

The real drama started when The Ringer reported about specific things Richards said during an old podcast he co-hosted. Richards apologized and ended up deciding to step down as host. The drama wasn’t over. Richards ended up getting fired as executive producer of the show.

With Richards out of the picture, who would host the show? Instead of simply choosing a new permanent host from the list of fan favorites who already guest hosted the show, “Jeopardy!” decided that Bialik would temporarily host the show, but now, there’s a new announcement. “Jeopardy!” has still not finalized the decision about a permanent host, but the show has a plan for the remainder of 2021.

Watch the video below to learn who is going to be hosting “Jeopardy!” for the remainder of the year.

Who do you think should be the new permanent host of “Jeopardy!”? Why don’t you think the producers have given the job to Bialik? Do you think Jennings is going to end up being the new permanent host? Why don’t you think Burton has been offered a spot as host?

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