Update 11/21/22: Jay Leno suffered second-degree and third-degree burns in a gasoline fire while working under a vintage car was released from the Grossman Burn Center. “I am pleased with Jay’s progress, and I am optimistic that he will make a full recovery,” Dr. Peter Grossman of the Grossman Burn Center said in a statement.

Mr Leno was smiling in a photo surrounded by caregivers from the Grossman Burn Center. Mr Leno has paused upcoming appearances but will hopefully be resuming all his favorite activities from working on cars and making audiences smile.

In a statement released by the burn center: “Jay would like to let everyone know how thankful he is for the care he received, and is very appreciative of all of the well wishes. He is looking forward to spending Thanksgiving with his family and friends and wishes everyone a wonderful holiday,”

Grossman Burn Center

Original Reporting:

Comedian and former Tonight Show host Jay Leno famously loves cars. He collects cars. He works on his cars. Cars are his passion.

Leno has a garage in Burbank, California, where he stores his car collection. According to TMZ, whenever he doesn’t have a work obligation to attend, he spends every free moment working on his cars at this garage.

On Saturday November 12, Leno was at this garage working on one of his cars, when a serious and unexpected accident happened. One of the cars suddenly and without warning erupted in flames. This unexpected fire injured Leno’s face, burning the left side but thankfully not burning his eyes or his ear.

Leno was supposed to speak at a financial conference in Las Vegas on Sunday, but he didn’t show up for the event. Instead, the event organizers emailed an announcement to the event attendees explaining that Leno would not be attending. The email stated, “His family was not able to provide us very many details, but there was a very serious medical emergency that is preventing Jay from traveling.” The email added, “All we know is that he is alive, so our prayers go out to him and his family tonight.”

Now, Leno has cancelled all of his speaking engagements for the entire week while he recovers at the burn ward at Grossman Burn Center which is where he was taken immediately after his injury and where he currently is today.

In a statement, Leno spoke about his injury stating, “I got some serious burns from a gasoline fire. I am ok. Just need a week or two to get back on my feet.” 

Aimee Bennett, a spokesperson for the hospital treating Leno, updated CNN about Leno’s condition. In a statement, Bennett explained that Leno is receiving treatment for “burns that he received to his face and hands from a gasoline accident in his garage over the weekend.” She added, “He is in good humor and is touched by all the inquiries into his condition and well wishes. He wants to let everyone know he is doing well and is in ‘the best burn center in the United States.’”

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