We came across an interesting post (via TipNut.com) that walks through, in great detail, how to make your own perfume. And while we haven’t tested these instructions first-hand, they do seem pretty easy to follow. It also looks like the process could be a lot of fun, not to mention rewarding to be able to wear your own homemade perfume. And while we’re not sure of how the dollars and cents breakdown when compared to buying your own perfume, from the looks of it, it’s likely to be a bit cheaper — particularly if you make perfume more than one or two times, as a few of the items you might need to buy will last a long time.

So just how do you go about making your own perfume? Meredith Tucker, the author of the post we’re referencing, suggests the following ingredients:

  1. 3 essential or fragrance oils, one for each classification
  2. Pipettes or glass droppers (one for each oil, plus one for your carrier oil)
  3. Tags or labels for your bottle
  4. Perfume tester strips OR cotton swabs
  5. Empty (clean!) bottle for storing your creation
  6. Jojoba oil (or other Carrier oil)
  7. Optional: Notepad and pens for keeping notes
  8. Optional: Newspapers or paper towels to keep your work surface safe

Meredith also provides a little background on the terminology she uses in explaining how to make perfume:

The juice of a perfume is called a composition. Perfumers discuss their compositions in almost exactly the same manners that musicians discuss their songs. Each perfume is composed of chords, which are structured by notes (raw materials like jasmine, lavender, etc.). The notes are classified by their volatility, or, how quickly they will evaporate into the air. They are then blended with other notes in their classification to create the layered chords. We’ll be covering a single chord perfume today to get you started!

Meredith’s post is full of pictures and lots and lots of information walking you through the perfume-making process. So if you’re still interested in learning how to make your own fragrances, we highly recommend clicking through the link below for the full details.

And if you’ve ever made your own perfume, please share your experiences with your fellow Tip Heroes by posting a comment below. And thanks for being a Tip Hero!

Learn how to make your own perfume (IndieFixx.com)

Homepage photo credit: atomicpuppy

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