Once upon a time, when I had just turned twelve and knew, oh, basically nothing about makeup, a teen magazine convinced me I should pluck my eyebrows before the first day of school. So I innocently and optimistically found a pair of tweezers and went to town. Since this happened toward the end of the nineties, era of the super-skinny brow, well . . . you can imagine how that experience turned out. My eyebrows still haven’t fully recovered. Whether you, like me, had a overzealous plucking experience, or were simply born with scanter eyebrows, it can still be a hit to the self-esteem to see all those gloriously natural and full eyebrows popping up on beauty mags lately. Now, generally, we advise everybody to recognize her beauty regardless of silly trends, but at the same time, we appreciate a fabulous beauty hack. So if you’ve ever longed for fuller brows to highlight your face, have we got the tutorial for you, coming to us from ModaMob in Rumble. Here’s how to fake fuller brows while still looking natural.

There are five rules to keep in mind:

  1. Always start by brushing your eyebrow hairs UP so you can see your natural brow line.
  2. Use a neutral eyebrow powder and angled eyebrow brush to fill in your brows. The color should match your eyebrows— i.e. your natural hair color! Use little strokes; don’t paint it on in big patches!
  3. Brush the hair back into a more typical place, and fill in the top part of your brow, beginning to create a line.
  4. Don’t fight your natural brow shape or line! If you do, it’ll look unnatural. Focus on highlighting your natural shape and filling in sparse areas within that shape.
  5. Don’t go too low and/or outside your shape. You don’t want to lose your eyelids!

That’s basically it! Brush up and fill in the sparse areas; brush down and follow the natural line. Watch makeup expert Tamara Ivanova give ModaMob the look in the video, and tell us about your own experiences in eyebrow shaping. What do you think of the “fuller” trend?

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