Matt Lauer was fired from “The Today Show” five years ago. Back in 2017, NBC explained that he was fired for “inappropriate sexual behavior in the workplace.”

Lauer expressed regret for his actions. In a letter his former co-workers read on air, he explained, “There are no words to express my sorrow and regret for the pain I have caused others by words and actions.” While he apologized, he also emphasized that not everything that was being said about him was true. He continued, “Some of what is being said about me is untrue or mischaracterized, but there is enough truth in these stories to make me feel embarrassed and ashamed.” He added, “I am blessed to be surrounded by people I love. I thank them for their patience and grace.”

Since that time, Lauer has mainly disappeared from the public eye. He moved to his home in the Hamptons, and he lost contact with a lot of the people he used to consider friends.

A source told People, “People would check up on him for a while, but that’s stopped to a degree.” The source added, “He just stays to himself, he doesn’t really reach out to people very much anymore or engage them and so he’s been losing touch with a lot of people.” The source continued, “He only wants to talk to people who are gonna take his side.”

When Lauer was fired, NBC didn’t pay him a penny afterwards. Lauer doesn’t believe the situation was fair. While he admits that he had an extramarital affair, he insists that every sexual encounter was consensual.

In 2017, the person who accused Lauer of rape remained anonymous. In 2019, she went public. Brooke Nevils claims that Lauer raped her in a hotel room during the Sochi Olympics, and while Lauer says it was consensual, she claims she was “too drunk to consent.”

Then in 2021, Katie Couric came forward with more information about Lauer while promoting her book “Going There.” During an interview, she said, “It took me a long time to process what was going on because the side of Matt I knew was the side of Matt I think you all knew.” She added, “He was kind and generous and considerate, a good colleague and, as I got more information and learned what was going on behind the scenes, it was really upsetting and disturbing.”

A source told In Touch that Couric’s words were “probably the last straw” for Lauer as far as ever having a professional journalism career.

Now, Lauer is unemployed and a “semi-empty nester.” He has three children. Two of them are in college and one is in high school.

Watch the video below to learn more about Lauer’s scandal and his current life.

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