If you and your spouse/significant other are trying to cut household expenses, there may be a category where you are overlooking potential savings. When it comes to personal care products, do you purchase 2 of each item (i.e. a shampoo for him and a shampoo for her?) Wise Bread points out that you could easily see savings if you opt for fragrance-free or neutral fragrances when choosing toiletries and buying 1 instead of 2.

Yes, it’s certainly true that you’ll still have to deal with two people consuming the same amount of product. However, it’s also true that generic, unscented products in particular often cost less than their custom-scented counterparts. Even if you opt for a scent you both agree upon, you still have additional savings opportunities at your disposal, such as bulk buying and the fact that you only have to shop for the best price on brand instead of two.


A nice, gentle bar soap can be enough to get the job done for men and women. If you can agree upon a scent, or just go for the unscented stuff, you could see some savings.


Moisturizer is important for both sexes, and you can save a good deal by buying large bottles at discounted prices at warehouses, or taking advantage of drugstore 2-for-1 type deals.

Hair Spray and Fixatives

Do you both use gel? Hair spray? Other hair care products? There’s no need to buy separate men’s and women’s products. Just opt for a hair product (Wise Bread recommends Tresemme) that doesn’t have any additional fragrance.


The same rule can apply for hair cleansing products. If you skip the scent requirements and also buy in bulk, you can gain great mileage from your shampoo. The ability to use this item for face cleanser, delicate hand washing, and even counter cleaning make it one of those multi-purpose beauty products that really goes the distance.

What are some other items that you and your spouse share in order to save money?

Read more and find more ideas over at Wise Bread’s Couples: Save money by Using the Same Scents.

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