No one can argue that the year 2020 will certainly go down in history.

We, of course, have endured one of the largest global health crises to ever occur—the significant COVID-19 pandemic. Then, a mere two months after that began, murder hornets made their way into the United States for the first time ever. Now, things are getting even weirder.

The Northeast and New England may be getting hit with a snowstorm this upcoming weekend, May 9, thanks to a polar vortex. Yes, you read that right: Snow, in the month of May.

We thought April showers were supposed to bring May flowers, not May blizzards!

We’re not just talking a few flurries, either. Meteorologists are predicting the thick, heavy, wet kind of snow to fall, in addition to gusts of wind over 40 mph. Plus, temperatures will drop to record-breaking lows, in some areas even below freezing. Yikes.

Some areas are expected to see about 6–8 inches of the white stuff, with others possibly getting up to a foot. There has never been that much snow in May in weather history. And, for reference, the last time New York City even had temperatures in 30s in May was in 1978!

Okay, who’s playing Jumanji, for real, and can you please hurry up and finish the game so life can go back to normal?

Just some of the cities that may be getting hit include Syracuse, Rochester, Binghamton, Albany in New York; Scranton, Pennsylvania; and Burlington, Vermont. Keep an eye on your weather app to see what’s in store.

To hear more about these potential historic snowfalls and frigid temps, check out the video below.

Can you believe this weird weather we might be getting in May, among all the other crazy things that have happened this year? What do you think we can expect to happen next?

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