Before we buy a product on a website like Amazon, we always look at the reviews. Reviews can tell us a lot about the product, like if it really works. It’s also helpful to see pictures of it that were taken by real customers.

Have you ever read an Amazon product review that wasn’t helpful? We’re not talking about the ones where half of the reviews praise the product and half of them hate the product. There are plenty of those. We’re talking about reviews that aren’t really about the product at all.

Many Reddit users have shared screenshots of hilarious Amazon reviews. While these reviews aren’t actually helpful when it comes to finding out whether or not the product works as intended, they are very helpful if you want to laugh. Here are 15 of our favorites.

  1. A review of lobster claws from r/amazonreviews

  2. Awwww!😂 from r/amazonreviews

  3. The thiccness of a board game. from r/amazonreviews

  4. 7 people found this helpful from r/amazonreviews

  5. Relative scale—are there paper cans of corn? from r/amazonreviews

  6. Life Sized stuffed Giraffe from r/amazonreviews

  7. This is one unsatisfied customer! from r/amazonreviews

  8. Itchy Sweater from r/amazonreviews

  9. I was searching for transparent sewing thread LOL from r/amazonreviews

  10. Very intense slippers from r/amazonreviews

  11. Birth control review… from r/amazonreviews

  12. Customer gives 1 star review because a can of air was a can of air from r/amazonreviews

  13. Pretty best friends from r/amazonreviews

  14. 2 for 1 deal – dress and a mop – not op from r/amazonreviews

  15. He had such a bright future from r/amazonreviews

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