It’s still autumn, but we can’t help but dream of the December holidays. The crisp, cool air, the joy that seeing the lights on every house brings—it’s truly the most wonderful time of the year.

One of our favorite parts of the holiday season is decorating our home. But the problem is, when your house isn’t very big, you might feel like decorations are cramping your style. Even though they bring a happy vibe, squishing a Christmas tree behind the couch to make room to walk isn’t quite the merry feeling you had in mind.

If you’re lacking space like us, you might be interested in a half Christmas tree. Created by American retailer Hammacher Schlemmer, the brilliant invention is called “The Against The Wall Christmas Tree,” which is an artificial tree half the size of regular trees.

The full-size tree (it’s 78 inches high!) allows you to do just what the name tells you—but it right up against the wall, so that it saves space (without having to go full on sad Charlie Brown tree). Though artificial, you’d never know it thanks to its “lush, dense foliage,” as its description states.

The half tree is also convenient for people who can’t stand decorating the back of a Christmas tree (no one sees it anyway!). You’ll literally cut the time of decorating the tree in half—plus, it comes pre-strung with lights to make the task even easier.

The lights come in multicolor or warm white LEDs, so take your choice based on what other ornaments you have laying around.

The tree costs $249.95, which is a small price to pay for all the time you’ll be saving, not to mention solving the struggle of having a huge tree smack dab in the middle of the living room. Plus, the lights can last up to 25,000 hours—quite a few Christmases—so you’ll have it for years to come.

To purchase this half Christmas tree, check out the Hammacher Schelemmer site. Hint: You can also find a similar half tree on Amazon for less than half the price! It’s about the same height and provides the same against-wall function.

If you’d like another type of half Christmas tree, you can also find one that doesn’t have branches until about halfway up the tree. While this tree doesn’t lean against the wall, it’s a great way to keep toddler hands and paws (if you have a cat) off the tree or allows you to comfortably place presents under the tree (without pine needles stabbing you in the hands).

Who knew there were so many kinds of Christmas trees to solve all our holiday woes? We’ll probably never go back to a huge, real tree again!

What’s your preferred type of Christmas tree?

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