While it’s easy to say that we should try to limit our trips to the grocery store to once a week or less, that’s much easier said than done if you want to eat fresh fruits and vegetables. While we can easily stock our pantry with boxed, canned and frozen items, if we stock up on fresh produce, we risk ending up with wilted, moldy produce before we have a chance to eat it all.

That doesn’t have to be the case. We have learned many tips about how to avoid produce going bad, like eating berries first and letting citrus ripen a few days, but we still find that our greens wilt after a few days.

That is about to end. Howcast has shared step-by-step instructions to make sure our greens stay crisp and ready to eat for a whole week. Now we can have salads every day!

Watch the video below for all the details.

We know, that seemed like a lot of steps, but it’s really not that complicated. Here’s what you need to do once you get your greens home from the grocery store.

First, soak the greens in cold water for 5 minutes. Then use a salad spinner to get the leaves as dry as possible. Afterwards, lay the leaves out on paper towels to dry. Twenty minutes later, you’re ready to get the greens ready for the refrigerator.

Line your container with a paper towel. You can use Ziplock bag or a container with a lid. Lay the leaves on top of the paper towel and add paper towels between rows of greens. Make sure you don’t pack the leaves in too tightly. You want them to have room. Finally, loosely seal the container with a lid or by closing the bag.

Put the container with the greens inside your refrigerator’s crisper, and adjust the temperature controls to make sure it’s not too warm or too cold. Your greens should stay crisp for a week!

One viewer commented, “I do this but save the salad dry & chopped so is easier to do salads on the go.” 

Are you going to try this method to keep your greens fresh longer? What’s your favorite type of salad?

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