If you’re an Amazon Prime member, you know that the biggest sale day of the year besides Black Friday is Prime Day. If you’re not an Amazon Prime member, you might wonder what we’re talking about.

Prime Day is Amazon’s annual tradition of flash deals and sales site-wide, and these deals are just for Prime members. Unlike the name suggests, Prime “day” is actually two days of deals. 

The first Prime Day happened on July 15, 2015 to celebrate the company’s 20th birthday. It has become an annual tradition ever since. 

This year, Prime Day was delayed by several months and will be taking place on October 12th and 13th, 2020. That means the deals start tomorrow, but if you have an Alexa, you can actually score some great deals today, October 11, 2020!

If you’re not an Amazon Prime member, it’s not too late to sign up so you can shop for Prime Day deals. While there is a fee for being a Prime member, you can sign up for a free 30-day trial right now which means you can shop all the Prime Day deals without actually paying for membership.

Watch the video below to learn more about how you can score the best Prime Day deals.

To review, the top 5 ways to score Amazon Prime Day deals are:

  1. Become a Prime member
  2. Download Amazon Assistant
  3. Ask Alexa by saying “Alexa, what are my Prime Day deals?”
  4. Buy from small businesses until October 12th
  5. Download the Amazon Shopping app

Are you an Amazon Prime member? Are you going to shop for Prime Day deals on the 12th and 13th? What’s the best Prime Day deal you’ve ever gotten?


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