When the TV series ‘Charmed’ first aired, the main characters were three sisters: little sister Phoebe, who was portrayed by Alyssa Milano; middle sister Piper, who was portrayed by Holly Marie Combs; and big sister Prue, portrayed by Shannen Doherty.

After three seasons of the hit show, Doherty’s character was abruptly killed off, and in season 4, she was replaced by half-sister Paige Matthews, who was portrayed by Rose McGowan.

At the time, not much was known about why Doherty suddenly left the show. In a statement released by Spelling Television, the show’s production company, the producers explained, “We have had a long and prosperous relationship with Shannen and we didn’t want to hold her back from what she wanted to do.” The statement continued, “We wish her all the best and much-continued success.”

Meanwhile, months after her exit from the show, Doherty claimed that she and Milano didn’t get along. She told Entertainment Tonight, “There was too much drama on the set and not enough passion for the work.”

That statement makes it sound like it was Doherty’s idea to leave the show. Now, Combs claims that Milano got Doherty fired. Recently, Combs was a guest on Doherty’s podcast “Let’s Be Clear.” During the podcast, Combs explained that after Doherty left the show, she told the producers that she didn’t want to do the show without Doherty. In response, Combs claims that producer Jonathan Levin told her more details about why Doherty was let go from the show.

Combs claims that Levin told her, “We didn’t mean to [fire Shannen], but we’ve been backed into this corner. We’re basically in this position where it’s one or the other.” Combs remembers Levin telling her, “We were told [by Alyssa] it’s her or [Shannen] and Alyssa has threatened to sue us for a hostile workplace environment.”

Combs also claimed that Milano was “documenting every time she felt uncomfortable on set.” Combs found Milano’s allegations surprising. She didn’t remember even any exchange of “harsh words” on set between the three main actresses.

Then, Combs praised Doherty for her behavior on set. She said, “There’s not a crew member that didn’t have a great time working with you. So by today’s standards, it wouldn’t f—king fly.”

On the podcast, Doherty explained that “nobody in their right mind would quit a hit show that is paying them a ton of money [and] that they enjoyed doing.”

Watch the video below to learn more about the alleged reasons Doherty left “Charmed.”

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