If you need help paying for prescription drugs, go to http://www.familywize.org/agencies.aspx and print a copy of the prescription card. This card is not insurance, but helps consumers receive discounted prescriptions. The card expires in 2014 and I found when using the card that there are no applications to fill out or questions asked. There are no restrictions, age limits, income guidelines or paperwork.
I presented the card at my local Safeway pharmacy and it reduced the cost of my prescription by almost 50% which was helpful since I don’t have any health insurance right now.
The only downside is that not all pharmacies accept the card and there may be cases when the web site may say a pharmacy accepts the card, but the clerk at the pharmacy may NOT know they accept the card. Also, I am not 100% certain that the discount applies to every medication.
Therefore, to help avoid that problem, I recommend checking the web site www.familywize.org and click on “About the Card” to see which pharmacies participate and then print out the page and take it –along with your card—to your pharmacy (in case they are not familiar with the program) — you can POLITELY show them the print out which states that their pharmacy is to accept the card).
Good luck. I know it sounds too good to be true, but I used to work at United Way and heard about the program and recently was laid off and then tried the card myself — and it worked… Good deal!!!