We don’t want to cause friction in anyone’s household, classroom, or relationship, but we are going to share some fun and interesting info on women. Why? Because biology can be both interesting and funny.

Sugar, spice, and a few other things make women’s bodies unique and special. But do you know everything about a lady’s wiring? You probably think you do. Yes, things change and grow during different phases of a woman’s life, but there’s more than meets the eye when it comes to her mechanics.

Want to unlock a handful of mysteries today? Take a look at these cool but less obvious facts about the female body and don’t let the smaller frames fool you!

  1. The Brain

    In ladies, our brains are wired for multitasking and we have better memories. Women also access both sides of the brain when speaking and listening. It’s genetics! That same wiring is responsible for the release of oxytocin, a hormone that makes it easier for women to bond and become sources (and objects) of affection.

  2. Good Taste

    Females have a higher sense of taste than males. In a study by the University of Copenhagen, it was learned that girls were better at recognizing sweet and sour tastes across the board. Those abilities only grow over time, and it’s also been found that women tend to have more taste buds.

  3. Hearing Sensitivity

    Women are able to hear high frequency sounds better than men, meaning those that are 2,000 hertz or above. And women are five times less likely than men to lose their hearing.

  4. Olfactory

    A woman’s sense of smell is also more heightened due to the amount of neurons in the brain. One study found that women have 50% more in the olfactory centers.

  5. Flexibility

    Women are more flexible, but one of the areas where it’s more noticeable is in the neck. Due to having more elastin, it’s easy to turn your head like an owl whereas men typically move their torsos to turn around. Another region? The lower back.

  6. Dental Woes

    Bumps in estrogen during the menstrual cycle make things in your body soften and swell up. The gums are especially susceptible, opening women up to gingivitis or other forms of gum disease.

  7. See Things Differently

    When it comes to sight, the female eye can see variances in color shades more easily, and women are less prone to being color blind.

  8. The Cellulite Myth

    Cellulite is totally normal and didn’t earn a bad reputation until the term “cellulite” was co-opted by Vogue magazine in the late 1960s. Next, turned into a “treatable” fad by the 1970s that spawned a whole industry dedicated to “eliminating it.” It’s just fatty, fibrous tissue that roughly 90% of women in the world have, and there’s no getting around that.

  9. Lightweights

    When it comes to drinking alcohol, women not only have less water in their bodies to help metabolize it, but we also have less of an enzyme called dehydrogenase. Therefore, alcohol tends to sit a while longer in our bodies before we process it, making us get tipsy faster.

Did you know these things about women’s bodies and brains? Which tidbit is the most surprising to you? Based on your experience, what else would you add to the mix?



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