Elon Musk’s Dad Not Proud Of Him, Favors Brother Who Is His “Pride And Joy”

If your son were the richest person in the world, chances are you would be very proud of him, right? We would be. We would be proud of his accomplishments and think we must have done something right.

Elon Musk is currently the richest person in the world, but when his dad was asked if he is proud of his son, his answer was a simple “no.”

Ouch. If Elon were listening, that would have to hurt.

Errol Musk, Elon’s father, was recently interviewed by the Australian radio show Kyle and Jackie O. Kyle and Jackie asked him all sorts of questions, mainly about his famous son. They seemed to assume Errol would be proud of his son and think highly of him. Their surprise at his answers to their questions was pretty obvious.

During the beginning of the interview, Errol even joked that perhaps Elon isn’t his son at all. He joked that maybe the father is “that chap that used to visit us when I wasn’t home.”

Errol didn’t immediately answer the question what it feels like to have a genius son. Instead, he went on a tangent about how his kids traveled around the world with him when they were little and they’ve all “been doing things.” The things Elon has been doing don’t seem to impress Errol much, but he did say, “Elon has surpassed the mark.”

Then he downplayed his son’s own feelings about his accomplishments, making it seem that Elon isn’t even proud of himself. According to Errol, Elon isn’t happy with what he has achieved because he was hoping to achieve it quicker. “He feels that he’s behind schedule. He would like to be where he is now five years ago.” He added, “He is frustrated with progress.”

When asked if he drives a Tesla, the answer was a clear no. Electric cars aren’t his thing apparently. Instead he drives a Bentley, a Rolls Royce and a Mercedes Benz.

When asked if Elon ever gives him money, he answered no and then explained that his family is “frugal.” Kyle and Jackie almost immediately called him out for the contradiction of being “frugal” but driving a Bentley, a Rolls Royce and a Mercedes Benz. Doesn’t sound frugal to us either.

Then Errol changed the subject to talk about another one of his children, his son Kimbal Musk, who Errol explained is also a billionaire. Errol seems to be much more proud of Kimbal than he is of Elon. Kimbal owns a group of restaurants, and he travels around visiting the restaurants. Errol explained how lucky Kimbal is to have a significant other who gave up her career to travel with him, and he wishes Elon could find someone to travel with him. He said he’s worried that Elon is single.

Errol did refer to his son as “a very, very nice person,” but that apparently doesn’t mean he’s proud of him. You can listen to the full interview below, but beware that there’s some language and references that may not be appropriate around children or in a work environment.