Sometimes when you go to a fast food restaurant and place an order there are add ons available that cost extra. For example, if you want extra dipping sauce with an order, that might cost extra.

Upon hearing an add-on like extra sauce costs extra, most people would react in one of two ways. They would either decide to pay the extra fee or they they would decide not to add the sauce to their order.

Three drunk women who were told that the dipping sauce they wanted cost $1.75 extra reacted in an extreme way that ended up sending them to jail. They ended up causing $10,000 to $20,000 of damage and injured two employees all because they didn’t want to pay $1.75 extra for dipping sauce.

The incident happened on July 3, 2022, at a Bel Fries location in Manhattan. Two of the women, 25-year-old Chitara Plasencia, and 23-year-old Tatiyanna Johnson, were from Brooklynn. The third woman, 27-year-old Pearl Ozoria lives in Manhattan.

During the incident, one of the employees took out a phone and recorded everything that happened while trying to hide from flying chairs and trash. See this video footage and the damage these customers did for yourself in the video below.


Days later, the two women from Brooklynn were in court facing multiple charges including robbery, criminal mischief and criminal possession of a weapon. Meanwhile, Ozoria was not in court, but she actually faces additional charges for allegedly punching a police officer at the time of her arrest.

After the incident, one female employee was taken to the hospital for injuries. Another male employee also had injuries but they weren’t serious enough for a hospital visit. There were four additional employees on duty that day, and none of the employees wanted to go back to work.

When the restaurant reopened, the owners hired a security guard to protect the frightened employees. Co-owner Analee Schlossberg explained, “My number one priority is making sure all of my employees are not only physically okay but mentally okay.” She told CBS that during the incident, “Two of my employees were hit in the head with glass bottles.”

Another co-owner added that the employees are “devastated” and “afraid.” The owner explained, “One of them still doesn’t want to leave her home. She has a son. She fears for her life.”

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