Towards the end of every year, many people go into gift-buying mode. From online shopping to scouring the shelves at local stores, they have to make sure everyone on our list has the perfect gift.

Some people like shopping for gifts more than others, but many people have at least a few gifts to buy. Whether you need to fill the space under tree and overflow the stockings for the children on your list, or if you need a gift exchange gift for someone at work, it is certainly the season for giving.

Many charities collect gifts for children during the holiday season, but children aren’t the only ones in need of generous gift donations. Don’t forget about the pets in animals shelters.

Dogs Trust Ireland started in 2005, and it has become the largest dog welfare charity in all of Ireland. Their goal is to find forever homes for the dogs they care for. They pause adoptions over the holidays, but they make sure the dogs don’t feel left out. They do this by making sure the dogs each get a special present for the holiday season.

In 2017, we decided to do Secret Santa Paws for the dogs, where staff members bought a long-term dog a present specifically for them, and we recorded it and got a great reaction. In 2018, we wanted to do something different, so again the staff donated toys, but we thought the dogs might like to pick their own. So we lined them up, and it was the best day… the dogs were SO happy and watching them was just amazing. So we did it again this year, and combined supporter donations from under our tree in the reception with staff toy donations.”

In a video filmed by Dogs Trust Ireland in 2019, we see a room full of dog toys. One at a time, a dog comes bounding into the room to pick out a toy. It’s interesting to see a glimpse into each dog’s personality as the dog decides on a toy. Some dogs know which one they want right away and pick the toy quickly. Other dogs need to try out a few toys before making a decision.

Watch the video below to watch the dogs at Dogs Trust Ireland choose their own gift. We dare you not to smile.

Do you buy gifts for your pets for the holidays? Would you consider donating pet toys to your local animal shelter?

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