When we were expecting our first child, we knew life was going to change forever once that little bundle of joy entered our lives. We tried to plan ahead. The nursery was ready. We had stockpiled diapers and wipes. We even had some meals in the freezer.

Shortly after our baby was born, we received gifts from friends and family that were unexpected and appreciated. Sure, we had a baby shower, but it was still a nice surprise to receive a few extras during those sleepless, stressful nights.

What are some examples of things that we received? Meals, for one. We had a few friends contact us and ask us when they could drop off Costco chickens and casseroles. A few onesies as well. One thing we didn’t receive but would have loved would have been an offer to do laundry, dishes or hire a maid.

One thing to note is that we did not ask for any of these gifts or services. We didn’t expect them either. We felt blessed to have such wonderful friends and family who wanted to do something nice for us.

What we’re about to tell you is a completely different story. We mean, we can all agree that giving something because you want to out of the goodness of your heart is quite a bit different than having your friends tell you to give them something, right?

One dad-to-be didn’t wait to see if his friends or family would be kind and generous enough to decide all on their own to help out after the birth of his and his wife’s first child. Oh, no. He did the unthinkable.

He actually set up a meal train and wanted his friends and family to do the neighborly thing and sign up to do things like make meals and clean their house.

Keep in mind that this couple was expecting their very first baby. They didn’t have other children running around. Their friends and neighbors very well may have had children of their own, yet this couple felt entitled enough to ask them to help out.

The story gets more bizarre. This couple wasn’t just asking for generic meals in the spirit of whatever you can give is appreciated. Oh, no. They listed 30+ very specific recipes they wanted to have prepared for them. They also mentioned dietary restrictions.



We can’t help but think that there are maid services and meal delivery services that would take care of most of these requests for the couple without having to put out their family and friends.

Have you ever heard of such craziness? While the post has since been deleted, we can see snippets of it thanks to a Twitter user who was just as baffled by the whole thing as we are.

Did your friends and family help you out after the birth of your first child? Would you ever consider asking friends and family for such specific requests?

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