They’re calling it a true miracle. A church caught fire in a West Virginia town but some Bibles were preserved in the scorching flames. Firefighters could not believe it.

In the middle of the night – about 1:00 a.m. – firefighters were called to Freedom Ministries Church in Daniel to put out a structure fire. Several fire departments showed up to handle the blaze, and in the aftermath, the Coal City Fire Department shared a message on Facebook about the books.

“Picture this, a building so hot that at one point in time, firefighters had to back out. In your mind, everything should be burned, ashes. Not a single bible was burned and not a single cross was harmed!! Not a single firefighter was hurt!”

When searching through the debris on Sunday morning, that’s when they discovered an intact cross and the stack of Bibles. Church members were also stunned.

Although the cause of the fire and extent of the damage is unclear, it appears that not every part of the church burned to the ground. However, the damage was severe enough for Freedom Ministries to post a message on Facebook saying they will need to rebuild.

In one of the photos, many commenters pointed out that although the books are thick, it doesn’t seem like the covers are charred on most of them. The post attracted some debate and even jokes, with one person saying that they know for a fact that Bibles can burn because they used the pages as rolling papers during youth.

If you look at the collection of photos, you can see for yourself and form your own opinion.

Similar stories can be found around the web about sacred buildings and holy books being virtually untouched in a disaster. While away on vacation, a family in Kentucky had their home destroyed in a fire, and they were shocked to find that one of the only things that survived was a 100-year-old Bible.

The destructive California wildfires that caused an indescribable amount of devastation also left some “miracles” in their wake. One man found his wife’s wedding ring in the ashes of their family home. Among the homes and other structures that escaped damage, one was a church surrounded by flames.

Last year, a picture taken in the fire-ravaged town of Paradise showed a lone American flag flying untouched on a pole, surrounded by ashes and burnt-out skeletons of homes and vehicles. The local police department saw it as a way to honor the team of first responders who battled the wildfires.

Whether you believe it or not, these incidents serve as symbols that give people something to believe in and hope for during times of adversity. Fortunately, no one was hurt in this church fire, but because of what was left in the aftermath, these West Virginia church members and firefighters will remember this for a long time. Would you?

What you think of this story? Do you have a similar post-disaster miracle tale to share?

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