Bridezillas—aka brides who have done something a little crazy in order to have a good wedding day—are real. Take this bride-to-be who ordered her bridesmaids around with silly rules or this woman who told her bridesmaid she needed to lose weight to be in her wedding.

The latest crazy bride? The woman who posted a list of “wedding rules” on her Facebook page for her guests to follow. Some of the rules were pretty obvious (no wearing white), but most of them just came off plain rude.

See for yourself!

  1. Don’t wear white.
  2. Please don’t show up late (after ceremony has started/middle of ceremony)
  3. No cellphones during the ceremony!
  4. Pace yourself when drinking
  5. Don’t get in the photographer’s way!
  6. No bringing in or trying to smuggle any of your own drinks!
  7. No rushing anyone
  8. No trying to change things about the decorations
  9. No nit-picking
  10. No big announcements or proposals
  11. No posting to social media before us

To no one’s surprise, this list did not go over well with her guests, or even people who just saw the post and weren’t invited to the wedding.

“Surely there is a more polite way of doing this,” someone posted.” This is rude. They are guests, not inmates.”

“Surely people know?” someone else wrote. “It’s common sense…if you need to give them rules, then I think you’re inviting the wrong kind of people.”

The woman explained in several comments that the rules were mostly there for her mother-in-law, who is “that type of controlling and a narcissistic person.”

Yikes, well we hope she didn’t see that one! Perhaps this would’ve been something she could’ve easily told her in private instead of laying it all out for the world to see?

After many people blew up her Facebook saying how rude the list was, the woman had a few choice words for all the people criticizing her:

“Ya’ll don’t like the rules? Ok? You guys aren’t coming to my wedding anyways, so why do I care?” she wrote. “I know everyone coming, they won’t care if there are rules, it’s not ‘rude’ to them. And mostly everyone I will know will respectfully follow them and a few might need them to be enforced.”

Yikes—we hope she only had rule-followers at the wedding or else people probably got kicked out!

Have you ever dealt with a bridezilla like this one before? Share your story!

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