Calling all bread lovers! How much do you love the chewy, crispy carb? Do you love bread so much that’d you’d want to lovingly snuggle with it all day and night?

Well now you can! Introducing a plush bread-shaped pillow. Sold on Amazon for just 10 bucks (what a steal), the bread shaped pillow is just the amazingness that you’d imagine. There are also smaller, cheaper versions if $10 is too much of a splurge!

Shaped like delicious loaf of French bread, the pillow is big enough to use as décor for your home (perhaps an extra cushion for guests to sit on) or as a pillow to sleep and lay on. It’s even supposed to offer some pretty good lumbar support for your back (so it’s probably person for your favorite preggo friend who’s craving all the carbs, but also has a backache).

The realism of the bread pillow is honestly on point—it looks good enough to eat (though we don’t advise on that). And while it’s unfortunate you can’t actually eat the pillow, people who’ve purchased it seem to absolutely love it.

“Got this for my wife,” one customer wrote in the reviews. “She loves it. She laughed at it. Is it comfortable? You bet bottom dollar it is. Heats up just like a fresh loaf of bread out of the oven if you sleep hot. Does it smell like bread? Only if you think about it really hard while in the bread isle of your local grocery store.”

“I gifted this to a friend. She is still happy with the gift. It’s an adorable and unique, soft pillow,” someone else wrote.

“Finally you can fulfill your lifelong dream of falling asleep on a giant pillow made of bread!” another purchaser exclaimed.

We definitely need this bread pillow for our home at once! After loading it to our cart, we couldn’t help but start seeking out other fun bread items that we totally need (seriously, Amazon sells EVERYTHING these days).

We couldn’t help but notice this toast sleeping mattress for your cat or dog, which matches to your bread pillow perfectly. Your pet will love this thing—just make sure he or she doesn’t try to nip at it!

If you somehow already have this amazing bread pillow, you might want to consider adding to your plush bread collection. How about these cozy bread slippers? Each design is shaped and colored as different types of toasts—imagine stepping into a soft piece of bread, fresh out of the toaster.

Or how about this amazing hooded blanket with adorable little pieces of toast all over it? While it’s technically for kiddos, the description clearly states that it’s also “the perfect size for walking around the house and lounging on the sofa,” so this is definitely going in our cart as well.

Lastly, we’re definitely going to need this amazing toast scarf to keep us *toasty* warm during the fall or winter. We think it’ll go perfectly with our toast slippers while we sleep on our French bread pillow, don’t you?

Okay, we admit it, we’re a little bread obsessed, but we can’t help it! How cute are these bread-themed items? Which one is your favorite?

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