If you need a break from work or school, if you’re bored, or if you want a fun challenge, you may have found yourself drawn to puzzles and brain teasers. We know we have!

Especially in the age of a pandemic, we find ourselves needing a break from the ordinary, and a brain teaser is definitely not ordinary. It’s truly mind boggling how challenging some of these puzzles can be.

One popular type of brain teaser is a hidden picture within a picture, for example, finding Santa in a picture of festive presents. It sounds like it should be a super easy task, but finding Santa when there are a lot of colorful presents is anything but easy. Another example is finding a cat hidden in a picture of a bunch of owls. It sounds easy. In reality, it’s super hard.

Don’t believe us? Give this brain teaser a try. Can you find the bear hidden in this picture of reindeer?

It’s obviously easy to see Santa and the snowman, but other than that, at first glance, we just see reindeer. A bear would be a similar color, so it makes sense that it would blend in, but a bear doesn’t have antlers, so you would think it would be easy to find.

Take a closer look. Do you see it?

After looking closer at the reindeer, we find the red and white scarves and sweaters some of the reindeer are wearing tripping us up. Then we find ourselves second guessing what a bear even looks like. Would we know it if we saw it?

Hint: The bear is the same color as the reindeer. It does not have antlers. It is not wearing a scarf or a sweater.

If you’re still having trouble finding the bear, try these tips. First, have a plan of attack. Start at one side or corner of the puzzle and work your way across or around the puzzle looking closer to make sure you see everything without skipping a spot. Be sure to pay attention to the details.

If you find yourself really stuck on a puzzle, it might help to take a break and come back to it later. Sometimes when we let our brain relax it makes it easier to find the solution.

If you still haven’t found the bear, you can click here to see the answer.

Did you find the bear? What’s your favorite brain teaser?

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