You might’ve heard that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, aka AOC, was engaged to Riley Roberts, her longtime partner who she started dating during college. But until recently, it was just a rumor. And now, the truth is coming out…

It turns out that the two are indeed engaged—which would make sense, since the rumors began after AOC was seen in a few photographs on May 19 with a huge sparkly diamond on THAT finger.

She recently confirmed via Twitter—“It’s true!”

A few hours after she was seen in those ring photos, she had shared an Instagram story about having a “major” few days and that she wasn’t able to be on social media in that time. Certainly looked and sounded like an engagement!

“I had a health issue sideline me for the last week or two … it was right when a series of major events happened,” she added. “I’m back at it today, but was MIA for a bit to recover.”

Ocasio-Cortez and Roberts, a web developer and marketing professional, met at Boston University, where they attended college. In 2011, the two attended the campuses “Coffee & Conversations” where she had a leadership role. “Every guy [there] went through their phase where they had a crush on her, and she’ll probably stab me in the heart for saying that,” wrote her college friend Eric Baker in “Take Up Space: The Unprecedented AOC,” a biography.

“Riley’s just as smart as anyone you’ve ever met, probably smarter, but he would actively say things just to stir the pot … Riley was just like, ‘This is dumb. Why are we all going around in a circle saying the same thing?’ He enjoyed intellectual combat, and I think she enjoyed his pushback,” Baker wrote.

AOC has always been pretty quiet regarding her personal life, even to close friends. In fact, some of the couple’s college friends had no idea about their relationship until after they had graduated.

After they graduated, the two did split for a bit, but later got back together when Roberts moved from Arizona to New York to be with her. The two currently live together together in Washington, D.C. with their dog, Deco.

We can’t wait for all the wedding plans! To learn more about their engagement as well as their relationship, check out the video below.

We wish these two all of the congratulations! Did you know AOC was engaged? What do you think the wedding will be like?

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