Amber Heard Challenges Ex-Husband Johnny Depp To Sit For a Tough TV Interview

When Amber Heard wrote an op ed about domestic abuse, she didn’t know at the time that it would result in going to court. She didn’t know that her ex-husband, Johnny Depp, would accuse her of defamation. She didn’t know she would lose the case.

During the trial, Heard claimed that Depp abused her, but Depp claimed that he never physically abused her. The jury believed Depp over Heard, and now she is required to pay him $10 million.

Heard isn’t ready for this to be over. She plans to appeal, but Depp’s lawyers feel she won’t be successful in her attempt to appeal. Meanwhile, Heard’s lawyer claims there was a lot of evidence that was left out of the case.

We’ve seen interviews from Heard’s lawyer. We’ve seen interviews with Depp’s lawyers. We’ve seen Depp and Heard on the stand in court. Now, for the first time, we’ve heard from Heard after the verdict.

Heard sat down for an interview with Savannah Guthrie. She answered questions about why she wrote the op ed and if she’s worried she’ll be accused of defamation again if she speaks out.

Heard claimed that she never intended to get Depp canceled. She also claims that she still loves him and didn’t want to hurt him. She said, “I tried the best I could to make a deeply broken relationship work. And I couldn’t. I have no bad feelings or ill will toward him at all.”

Even though she still loves Depp, Heard says that she is proud of herself for standing up for herself even though it didn’t work out in her favor. She explained that she got a restraining order against Depp back in 2016 because, “I made the decision to stand up for myself and protect myself.” She feels that she also stood up for herself in court.

Now that Heard has sat down for an interview, she thinks her ex should do the same. Watch the video below for more about Heard’s interview and why it’s probably unlikely that Depp would agree to an interview about the trial anytime soon.

Do you think Depp will agree to an interview with Savannah Guthrie? Why do you think Heard decided to be interviewed? Do you think Depp would sue her for defamation again?

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