It’s that time of year again – Spring. As the snow melts and the weather warms up, flowers start to bloom and leaves start to sprout on trees. While all of this new life is very exciting after a polar vortex cold winter, it’s not all good news.

Have you noticed your eyes start to water and itch from time to time, possibly in the morning? Have you noticed a runny nose or a cough that doesn’t seem to go away? Maybe you thought you were getting a cold. With pollen in the air, it could be that your cold is really seasonal allergies.

According to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America (AAFA), “More than 50 million Americans have experienced various types of allergies each year.” Many people who suffer from seasonal allergies are really allergic to pollen. A pollen allergy is typically called “hay fever,” but doctors refer to it as “seasonal allergic rhinitis.”

Symptoms of a pollen allergy are similar to that of the common cold. These symptoms include a runny nose, sneezing, a stuffy nose, watery eyes, itchy nose and swelling around the eyes.

If you think you’re suffering from hay fever, there is hope. Dr. Nandi tells us that there are actually three different ways to get relief from your symptoms.

The first way is to avoid things like pollen that trigger your allergies. One way to do this is to keep your windows closed, especially in the mornings when there’s usually the most pollen in the air. Along with that, you’d want to try to stay inside when the pollen count is high.

The AAFA says that “pollen count is how much pollen is in the air. This is often reported during pollen season on local weather forecasts. “

Other ways to minimize your exposure include showering and washing your hair before going to bed, changing your sheets in hot water at least once a week, changing your clothes and washing them after you’ve been outside, and wearing sunglasses and a hat when you’re outside.

If avoiding pollen (or whatever you’re allergic to) doesn’t work for you, you might want to talk to your doctor about taking medication designed to treat allergies. Your doctor might also recommend immunotherapy, also known as allergy shots.

Watch the video below to learn more about how immunotherapy works and if it’s something you might want to consider to get relief from your allergies.


Do you suffer from seasonal allergies? What do you usually do to relieve your symptoms?

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