Even though channels like Hallmark Channel create dozens of new holiday movies every single year, there are still certain classic holiday movies that we love to watch. Christmas isn’t the same without watching Clark Griswold chase a squirrel around his house and get locked in the attic in “National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation.” It’s also not the same without watching Charlie Brown pick out the most pathetic Christmas tree at the Christmas tree farm and have his security blanket loving best friend explain the true meaning of Christmas in “A Charlie Brown Christmas.”

Of all the Charlie Brown holiday specials, the Christmas special is probably our favorite. Part of what makes it special is the fact that we only watch it around the holidays, and we grew up watching it since we were kids. Unfortunately, it’s getting harder and harder to find it on TV.

“A Charlie Brown Christmas” will only air on TV once this year. You and your entire family can gather in front of the TV to enjoy the classic special the Sunday before Christmas. On Sunday December 19, 2021, at 7:30pm “A Charlie Brown Christmas” will air on both PBS and PBS Kids. If you think you might miss it, or if you want to watch it more than once, set your DVR accordingly.

If you want an easier way to watch “A Charlie Brown Christmas,” one option is to sign up for a free trial of Apple TV+. The streaming service is currently offering a 7-day free trial, but a paid subscription is only $4.99 per month, quite a bit lower that other streaming services like Netflix and Disney+.

If you love the holiday special so much that you want to be able to watch it literally whenever you want, even in the middle of the summer, and even at Grandma’s house when she may or may not have wifi, then you might want to go old school and order a DVD or Blu-ray. Amazon has the “Charlie Brown Christmas 50th Anniversary Deluxe Edition” available on DVD, Blu-ray and 4K. This special edition also includes a couple bonus features. You’ll also be able to watch “It’s Christmastime Again, Charlie Brown” and “A Christmas Miracle: The Making of a Charlie Brown Christmas.”

What holiday movies do you usually watch every year? Do you plan on watching “A Charlie Brown Christmas” this year? If so, are you going to set your DVR, sign up for Apple TV+ or buy the movie on DVD?

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