Remember when having an overnight guest meant pulling out a sleeping bag, tossing in on the floor, watching movies all night and eating tons of so-good-but-so-bad-for-you foods? Now, the thought of somebody coming to stay for multiple days and nights is more likely to cause a bit of worry and stress rather than excitement for a sleepover— but it doesn’t have to be that way! With just a little bit of thought and preparation, you can combine the ease of a hotel with the warmth of home, all without stressing yourself or your guests. The Liz Marie Blog recently rounded up her best tips, and now we’re sharing our favorite strategies with you.

  1. Give your guests their privacy.

    Liz Marie Blog

    If you’ve ever stayed overnight at somebody else’s home – and who among us hasn’t? – you know that the number one thing that makes it awkward instead of fun is not knowing where to go, where to put your suitcase, or how not to feel in the way. Make it easy on your guests and yourself by setting up a designated guest space ahead of time. Even if you can’t have a special “guest room,” simply having a stool, chair or dresser for them to put their stuff on or in is super helpful.
  2. Let there be light.

    Gudellaphoto via Dollar Photo Club

    We can all walk around our own homes with our eyes closed, but anywhere else? We get banged knees, tripping, and general nighttime anxiety. Save your guests from this problem in the simplest way possible: make sure there’s a lamp on a nightstand they can easily reach once in bed.
  3. Have an open kitchen.

    chas53 via Dollar Photo Club

    Make mornings – and all mealtimes – easier for your guests and yourself by putting things like coffee, tea, snacks, and dishes out and in easy reach so they can informally help themselves. If you want to be extra generous, check in with your guests before their arrival and stock up on some of their favorite things.
  4. Make the living room truly livable.

    Africa Studio via Dollar Photo Club

    Most of your time together will probably be spent in your living room, so make it as welcoming as possible. Clear out the clutter – but keep those extra books and magazines on hand! – and toss around some extra blankets and pillows in case your guests get cold.
  5. Provide extra toiletries.

    Liz Marie Blog

    Who among us hasn’t forgotten toothpaste or conditioner at least once while traveling? Your guests will be so grateful to you if you provide extra toiletries to them during their visit. It’s also a great way to make use of all those sample sizes you get during your travels, and if you put them into a decorative glass bowl or container, it’s an easy way to organize and decorate your bathroom.
  6. Make your bathroom guest-friendly.

    Liz Marie Blog

    In addition to providing extra toiletries, make your bathroom guest-friendly by making sure it’s stocked with extra toilet paper, towls, and a plunger; clearing out anything super-personal of your own; and of course, cleaning it well. Anything you can do to minimize the number of times they’ll have to ask you for something or feel like they need to tiptoe around gingerly helps!
  7. Stack the bed with lots of extra pillows and blankets.

    Liz Marie Blog

    There are as many ways to sleep comfortably as there are people in the world. Since everybody has their own preferences when it comes to what kind of and how many pillows and blankets with which to sleep, make sure there are plenty around the extra bed for your guests to choose— or just be sure to point them toward the linen closet!

Easy, right? We can get so caught up in worrying that these simple fixes often fly right out of our heads, so we love having them lined up for easy reference. If you feel the same and want even more ideas, head on over to the Liz Marie Blog for her best guest-pleasing ideas. How do you prepare for overnight guests? Are you lucky enough to have a guest room, or do you break out the air mattress?

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