When you’re a mom, you have a lot to worry about and think about. You know, should I feed my kid this food over that food or should they wear this material of clothing over that material of clothing? And those are just the little things.

Because there are so many decisions to make when you’re a parent, it’s easy to judge other parents for making the decisions that you didn’t. Breastfeeding parents judge non-breastfeeding parents and a mom who supports traditional potty training probably raise an eyebrow to the mom who went with a no-diaper method of training.

The truth of the matter is, every parent (and child for that matter) are different. But that didn’t make the mom judgment zone any different for Melissa Gibson, the mom who lets her four-year-old still suck on a pacifier.

Melissa was scrolling through articles one day when she came across one that a mom wrote about her four-year-old child who still used a sucker. She didn’t see anything wrong with it considering her daughter of the same age still uses a pacifier too. But when she saw the comments from the mom internet trolls, she couldn’t believe her eyes.

“It’s like the lady said, ‘I let my kid play with guns’ or ‘My child throat punches anyone he sees and I don’t mind,’” Gibson said. “But no. All she did was say that she’s letting her toddler keep a pacifier. Her kid simply used a paci.”

Gibson couldn’t for the life of her understand why everyone was so triggered over it, or why they had to be so cruel in their comments back. “Why is that a big deal for people?” she questioned. “Because it hurts absolutely no one. It affects zero people. Yet, 95% of the comments were moms going bonkers over another mom’s parental choices.”

After thinking about it a while, she decided to post her own photo in the comments of that article. The photo was of her 4-year-old Josephine doing—you guessed it—sucking on a pacifier.

What was the reaction like? “It lit them up even more,” she said. “And I find it absolutely, hysterically mind-blowing that grown women are triggered over a kid having a paci.”

Gibson went on to explain her reasoning of why her daughter still uses a pacifier. Of course, she retorts that she totally doesn’t have to explain herself, but she wanted to make her point clear.

The takeaway: Stop judging, especially if it’s over something that doesn’t even affect you.

“How about we let moms and dads do whatever they like with their kids, so long as they aren’t hurting them or someone else in the process?” she says. “Chances are we are getting a 30-second glimpse into someone else’s life and we have no idea what their back story is. My four-year-old with a pacifier in her mouth isn’t going to hurt anyone, especially when it keeps her happy and sleeping well at night.”

Raise your hand if you agree! What are your thoughts on judging other moms? Do you see anything wrong with a 4-year-old using a pacifier?

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