Parents have a lot to learn when they bring their first bundle of joy into the world, and as much help and advice as they may read in books or get from friends and family, there’s nothing like hands on experience. All children are different after all.

Some kids sleep through the night, no problem. Other kids keep parents up at all hours well past their first year. Some kids eat their vegetables. Other times parents have to find creative ways to get their kids to eat anything remotely healthy.

While parents have a lot to learn, so do babies. Obviously, they have everything to learn, but from an older child’s perspective, they also have to learn how to deal with their parents.

The first born paves the way, after all. Parents are probably a little tougher on older children. They’re a little more paranoid. We’re talking from experience here. Second child syndrome is for real.

So, when a new baby who doesn’t even know how to talk or walk yet enters the world, an older child might see this as an opportunity to share his or her years of wisdom. Even with just a few years of experience at life under his or her belt, these children already know what to expect from their parents and what their parents expect of them.

In a hilarious because it’s true video, an older brother, a 4-year-old, talks to his baby brother as soon as mom leaves the room. While mom talks baby talk, big brother talks life. He has a full on conversation about what he can expect from his parents and what he should not do, like eat anything green except for “green M&Ms.” He also has pro tips about when to talk to Grandma.

Obviously this video was staged and scripted and is just in good fun, but there is truth to it. As parents with more than one child, we hear the older ones giving advice to the younger ones. They say things like not to eat something or not to do something. We sometimes hear the older children repeating things that we say to them as parents, like not to do something because it’s dangerous. Yet we also hear them offer their very own advice.

It’s definitely cute seeing kids and siblings interact with each other. Their conversations are always adorable, and they have a truly unique perspective on the world.

What was your favorite line from this video? If you were going to give a baby advice, what advice would you give?

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