We’re in the middle of cold and flu season, and for many, that’s not that big of a deal. Perhaps you got your flu shot. Perhaps you’ve had the flu before and aren’t too concerned if you get it again. Either way, according to the CDC, about 8% of Americans get the flu each year, and sometimes it can be more dangerous than we think.

Price McMahon was a healthy 36-year-old wife and mother of two. The Sunday before Christmas was a normal day for her. She went running. She watched soccer. She celebrated the first night of Hanukkah. Monday was different.

On Monday, Price felt feverish. By Tuesday morning, she was having trouble breathing. She went to the hospital but never made it home. She died on Tuesday due to complications to the flu. Price’s brother, Ian Meropol, told the Boston Globe  that the doctor told him, “This is a one-in-a-million case of influenza.”

Price had been married to her husband, Jimmy McMahon, for almost 10 years. They had two children, a daughter named Rosalie who is 7 years old, and a son named James who is 5 years old.

Besides her family, Price also had a lot of friends and had a successful career. According to her obituary, she graduated from Vanderbilt University. She had worked for Price Waterhouse Cooper, American Express and Burberry. Meropol said of his sister, “She was always incredibly smart, hardworking, driven, she was the one that everyone knew would be successful.

When she wasn’t working, she enjoyed spending time with her family at Woodland Golf Club, and she enjoyed going to Cape Cod one week every year. She also played tennis, went skiing and could run a marathon in under 4 hours. She also spent time with her many friends. According to her obituary, she “had too many friends to name – her Vandy girls, her NYC crew, her Wellesley community, and her Woodland family.”

One of Price’s neighbors has set up a memorial fund for her family to help with expenses due to her unexpected death. According to Meropol, “Everything we are doing going forward is about Rosie, and James, and Jimmy. That’s what our life is going to be dedicated to, forever.”

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