No tea party – or brunch, or shower, or any sweet get-together! – is complete without some scones, and no scone has ever been easier than THIS 3-ingredient version of the classic quick bread. Yes, you read that correctly! These light, just-sweet-enough scones from our friends at Mumsnet are made with only THREE easy ingredients. Whether you want to impress your guests with a homemade pastry or you’re simply craving a classic way to enjoy some clotted cream and your favorite jam, these scones come together in almost no time and don’t require any crazy ingredients, kneading, or waiting around for dough to rise. All you need to do is mix, bake, and enjoy!

Our Mumsnet friends had this to say about these delectable treats:

Cheat your way to homemade scones with this amazing three-ingredient recipe hack. It’s a super-quick and simple shortcut for scones that are light, fluffy, and delicious served with a big dollop of cream and jam on top. Who’d have guessed it?!

One of the three ingredients is really unexpected, but absolutely gives these scones the right touch of bubbly, sweet and light. See if you can guess what it is, then watch how they’re made and read on for the full recipe.




  1. Preheat the oven to 428 degrees Fahrenheit (220 degrees Celsius). Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
  2. In a large bowl, mix the self-raising flour, lemonade and cream until it makes a fluffy dough.
  3. Tip the dough onto a floured board. Roll and flatten it out so it’s around one inch thick.
  4. Using an upside-down mug or glass – or an actual scone cutter! – cut even circles out of the dough. Roll up the excess dough and repeat steps 3 and 4 until there’s no dough left and/or you have as many scone dough circles as you want and need.
  5. Place the scones on the lined baking tray.
  6. Bake in the preheated oven for 10 to 12 minutes, until the scones are cooked-through and golden brown on top.
  7. Remove the scones from the oven and allow to cool before smothering in jam and clotted cream.

Who ever would have guessed that you could use canned LEMONADE, of all things, to make delicious and delightful scones? Yet it works so well, and makes these scones so much easier than any recipe we’ve seen yet. The dough comes together so quickly, and we love that we can use a simple glass or mug to cut the scones out. With a recipe this easy, we’ll be making these scones all the time— and we bet you will, too!

Do you think you’ll give these three-ingredient scones a try? What jams do you like to enjoy on your scones? Are there any other juices or sodas you think would work with this recipe, too? Let us know if you give them a try and how they turn out for you! Then, check out our other favorite Mumsnet recipes:

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