Do you find yourself spending a good amount of money on hair products that work to remedy your damaged hair? Try some of these homemade treatments instead, courtesy of Tip Junkie:
- Avocado Deep Conditioner Hair Mask: mix together a small jar of mayonnaise and 1/2 an avocado until smooth. Work into hair, especially into the ends. Wrap hair with a shower cap or plastic wrap and seal in body heat and let sit for 20 minutes before washing out.
- Mayonnaise Your Hair: apply 1/2 cup of mayonnaise to hair and cover with shower cap or plastic wrap. Leave in for 15 minutes and then rinse out.
- Olive Oil Hair Mask: mix together 2 tbsp of honey and 3 tbsp of olive oil. Apply to hair and cover for 15 minutes.
Looking for some homemade shampoo recipes or more home remedies for hair? Head over to Tip Junkie’s 6 Home Recipes For Hair (Naturally Beautiful Hair).