For some of us here at Tip Hero, we’re big fans of hot sauce. We end up putting it on a wide-variety of foods. And while we think we’re pretty liberal with our use of the fiery substance, we recently learned of many new uses in an article we discovered on the Serious Eats blog.

They’ve come up with 25 uses for hot sauce — most of which have to do with different ways to spice up a meal. However, they do offer up a couple of ideas that serve more as deterrents than cooking enhancements. Here are a few that caught our attention for one reason or anther:

8. Put a few drops into birdseed to keep out squirrels.

9. Swirl into soups (tortilla soup, black bean, chili, hot and sour soup)—great during cold season to ease congestion.

10. Add to ground pork to make your own breakfast sausage patties.

15. Melt with butter and douse over your movie popcorn–yum!

25. Combine a few drops with simple syrup, then toss with a fruit salad.

Know of any other uses for hot sauce? Share with the Tip Hero community by posting a comment below.

Serious Heat: 25 Things To Do with Hot Sauce (hat tip Lifehacker)

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