Easter is almost here, and if you have kids, you know what that means – Easter egg decorating time

Am I the only one who doesn’t get excited about decorating Easter eggs? Especially with little kids, it’s a mess waiting to happen. Eggs are bound to get dropped, and the colorful liquid we dip them in is bound to spill. Plus, who is going to eat all those hard boiled eggs when we’re down decorating them?

I have good news! You can decorate Easter eggs without actually using eggs! The mess is minimal depending on which craft idea you and your kids choose, and you won’t be wasting eggs that are eventually going to rot. 

Enjoy these 15 creative (and surprisingly easy) ways you and your kids can have fun decorating Easter eggs without actually using eggs.

  1. Potato Easter Egg Stampers

    All you need is a potato, a knife, some paint and a piece of paper to complete this beautiful Easter craft.

  2. Toddler Stripped Easter Egg Craft

    This simple craft is great for little ones! All you need is colorful paper, scissors and glue sticks. Let your kiddos have fun decorating, and you can carefully do the cutting.

  3. Easter Egg Paper Plate Craft

    If you have a hole punch, paper plates and string, you can easily turn those plates into festive Easter eggs!

  4. String Easter Eggs

    Who knew water balloons could lend themselves to molds for Easter eggs? Grab some string and glue. This craft is calling your name!

  5. Easter Egg Painted Rocks

    The secret to making the lines and dots? Q-tips! Gather up some rocks and get started!

  6. Peek-a-Boo Clothespin Eggs

    This craft is more than just an Easter egg. There’s a baby chick hiding inside!

  7. Salt Dough Easter Eggs

    This easy to make dough gets really hard and lasts for years. It’s perfect for ornaments including these Easter eggs!

  8. Tissue Paper Stained Glass

    Who knew tissue paper could look like beautiful stained glass? The folks at Michaels, that’s who. There’s even a template so you can easily recreate this adorable bunny or Easter egg at home.

  9. Pom Pom Easter Egg Painting

    Pom poms and clothespins give kids a fun new way to paint!

  10. Easter Egg Suncatchers with Black Glue

    All you need to make black glue is regular glue and black acrylic paint. Gather together some clear plastic and some Sharpies to create these beautiful suncatchers!

  11. Salt Painted Easter Eggs

    Did you know that you can paint with salt? The effect is really beautiful. To prevent getting salt on the floor, be sure to shake the excess salt off the paper when the craft is dry.

  12. Pasta Easter Eggs

    Colorful pasta makes an unexpected and beautiful Easter egg decoration.

  13. Pop-Up Easter Egg Card

    Go the extra mile with this cute Easter egg that doubles as a card! Especially while we’re practicing social distancing, this adorable card with your child’s picture inside would be great to send to grandparents or other family members you won’t be seeing in person on Easter.

  14. Marbled Paper Easter Eggs

    This beautiful marble effect is easy to achieve with shaving cream!

  15. Easter Egg Doily Craft

    Paper doilies gives these crafty Easter eggs an extra level of beauty.

Which Easter egg craft are you going to try first?

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